Promote The Products You Produce!


Now that you are processing clearLIGHT plus and sunSMART II digital lenses in-house, its time to promote the products you produce.

  • Review your product literature…are you talking about the clearLIGHT & sunSMART products?

  • Review your on hold message…are you telling your patients about the new digital lenses you produce direct to their prescription while they wait?

  • Review your employee compensation program…does your internal program encourage your staff to sell the products you produce?

  • Review your staff training program…do all team members know how to present the new product offering to your patients?

  • Review your target production…have you implemented a target product rate for your in-house lab?

Target product mix on 100 pair of lenses

clearLIGHT PLUS aspheric single vision = 30 pair
clearLIGHT PLUS FT-28 = 5 pair
clearLIGHT PLUS PAL = 25 pair
sunSMART aspheric single vision = 20 pair
sunSMART FT-28 = 5 pair
sunSMART PAL = 15 pair
nanoCLEAR AR = 60 pair

Target: 40% sunSMART photochromic

Target: 80% of multifocal lenses are PAL

Target: 60% with nanoCLEAR AR

Implement the above recommendations and you will see your system usage and practice profitability increase.